Wednesday, December 28, 2016

17. Ancillary Mercy

by Ann Leckie (328 pp)

I gotta be honest, I was disappointed. I loved the first one but had a harder time with the second one. This one was a slog for me. It felt like there were so many scenes with everyone drinking tea and talking about an AIs feelings. I also got bogged down in the world building. I had a tough time keeping the characters, species, governments, military units, titles, and locations straight. Still love the original idea. Would read another by this author.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

16. Nemesis Games

By James S. A. Corey (530 pp)

Expanse book #5. I loved it as much as I've loved all of them. Amos Burton remains one of my favorite literary characters that I've met in the past few years. In this one, while the Rocinante is being repaired, the crew separates to take care of personal business. Terrible things happen and they all have to rescue themselves and find each other again. I have been trying to zoom through several books to pass on to my cousin who I will see over the holiday. Ancillary Mercy is next up.