Thursday, August 1, 2024


I know no one is keeping track except me but I am bummed by how few books I read. 40 a year seems like a weak but doable goal but I'm not even on track for that. I even made an intention to read more books and I got in bed earlier for extra reading time and then ended up getting sleepy and going to bed earlier. To be fair to myself: I have other things going on, it's not like I'm doom-scrolling in my spare time. I'm still writing and have several short stories and a couple long stories in the mix at the moment.

I was thinking: well, when I retire I can aim for 2 books a week. At that rate it will still take me about 4 years to get through the TBR pile if I don't add any new books or re-read anything. And I would love to re-read the Expanse series and the Magicians series. This is a good problem to have but I still wish I could read more.

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