Saturday, November 19, 2011

27. The Blind Assassin

By Margaret Atwood (521 pp.)

I can't believe how long it's been since I finished a book. Not for lack of trying. I have been juggling too many things lately. It took me a month to read the first 150pp. This is actually my second time reading this book. I haven't re-read a book, other than a Laura Ingalls or a Narnia book, in ages. My to-read shelf is always piled so high I never take the time to re-read anything. But I've wanted to re-read The Blind Assassin since I finished it the first time which was probably 10 years ago. I remember reading it very quickly and feeling like there was stuff I missed that I wanted to understand better. I enjoyed the re-read as much as I enjoyed the book the first time but now that I'm finished, I'm not sure what I thought I missed. Highly recommended.

I'm going to see if I can clear up all the odds and ends on my nightstand and read the books Carol gave me and then tackle the Rothfuss books during the holidays. No doubt this will end up being over ambitious.