Wednesday, April 24, 2024

10. The Moving Finger

By Agatha Christie (240 pp, ebook)

I have always wanted to read Christie and I bought a trio of Miss Marple in a sale and I think the trio was not Christie's best works. This is the third one and the weakest of the three. It's about a man who suffers an accident and goes to this little village to recover accompanied by his sister. Someone is sending out secret accusatory letters that lead to someone taking her own life. Miss Marple barely shows up except at the very end to help them pull the threads together. The characters are fun but the story has some head-scratching elements.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

9. March

By Geraldine Brooks (320 ebook)

I don't know how I have missed Geraldine Brooks up to now. The March of the title is the dad to the March girls in Little Women. During Little Women he is off as a chaplain in the civil war and this story imagines what he is up to. The writing is phenomenal and the story well-researched and completely engrossing. The story did get long for me. March is sometimes an idiot, and I realize, a product of the times, but his idealism hurts people. Still, very much recommend this book.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

8. Boyfriend

By Sarina Bowen (256 pp, ebook) I needed another quick and easy to read book and Sarina Bowen delivered again. Abbi needs a fake boyfriend for Thanksgiving due to awkward family situation. Dreamy Weston signs up for the job. Who doesn't love a rent-a-date romance? Cute and fun.

Monday, April 1, 2024

7. Out of Sight

By Elmore Leonard (352 pp, ebook)

I love Elmore Leonard. The book is great. The movie is slightly different but also great. The story is about a US Marshal Karen Sisco who is trying to bring in escaped criminal Jack Foley who is quite the charmer.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

5. Sharks in the Time of Saviors

By Kawai Strong Washburn (373 pp)

This is a book written by and about contemporary Native Hawaiian characters -- which I can't remember ever reading before. It is about a family with a lot of struggles that experiences an extraordinary moment that sets off the whole story. The writing is beautiful and the opening chapter is quite a hook. It did enjoy the book but I struggled with heavy subject matter.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

6. Last Argument of Kings (Book 3)

By Joe Abercrombie (636 pp)

Book 3 in what I have learned is the first of two trilogies. Battles and confrontations and disappointed expectations. I loved the end of this trilogy. Nothing happened like I expected. I want to read the next three but I need to clear some space on my to read pile and take a break from the brutality.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

4. Before they Are Hanged (First Law Trilogy Book 2)

By Joe Abercrombie (514 pp)

Between this and the last book I reread a couple of other books for a class I took and I didn't list them. Why? I don't know. I have some internal rules about what books I post or don't post but I don't know what those rules are.

I discovered this author not too long ago and I am thrilled to have to many books to look forward to. This series is fantasy set in a sort-of early Europe type world -- it's really brutal. There is war everywhere and the story is divided into different points of view, each with an impossible task to do, while the evil forces are hammering on them. Lots of death and gore. But also, funny? There is a lot of humor here. I love these characters. I plan to pass the trilogy off to my cousin and I am seeing him in a week so I'm diving right into book #3.

Monday, February 5, 2024

3. Night of the Living Rez

By Morgan Talty (278 pp)

I don't know what to tell you about this book. First of all, for me, the title hints of zombies but there are none. The book is connected short stories. I love representation and seeing contemporary Indigenous stories and the writing is good. But these characters were so dysfunctional and unlikeable -- I had a hard time with it.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

2. Iron Flame (Empyrean, #2)

By Rebecca Yarros (884 ebook)

As much as I loved the first book: fun setups and payoffs, dragons! romance, is how much I was disappointed in this book. It was not fun. It dragged and dragged. If I had a friend describe a relationship like the one the main character has, I would ask them to reconsider whether it was healthy. Violet is always either enraged or blaming herself for everything. I think the book was too long and rushed. I had trouble following the plot. I had trouble distinguishing the characters. I am unlikely to continue the series.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

1. On A Sunbeam

By Tillie Walden (533 pp)

This is an amazing graphic novel with creative world-building. It's set in space but not like we usually see space stories. The main character Mia joins a crew that repairs old buildings and this story is woven together with flashbacks of how Mia ended up here. Really good and I should probably read again. If I have any critique it's that I had a little bit of trouble keeping some of the characters straight and where I was at in the timeline.