Sunday, March 3, 2024

4. Before they Are Hanged (First Law Trilogy Book 2)

By Joe Abercrombie (514 pp)

Between this and the last book I reread a couple of other books for a class I took and I didn't list them. Why? I don't know. I have some internal rules about what books I post or don't post but I don't know what those rules are.

I discovered this author not too long ago and I am thrilled to have to many books to look forward to. This series is fantasy set in a sort-of early Europe type world -- it's really brutal. There is war everywhere and the story is divided into different points of view, each with an impossible task to do, while the evil forces are hammering on them. Lots of death and gore. But also, funny? There is a lot of humor here. I love these characters. I plan to pass the trilogy off to my cousin and I am seeing him in a week so I'm diving right into book #3.

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