Saturday, August 3, 2013

22. Messi

by Luca Caioli (249 pp)

Years ago I read a biography of the band REM. It was a tome and I was about halfway through before I realized that it was basically an inventory of every show REM played, the set lists and what clothes the guys wore.

This book is a little like that. It's an inventory of endless matches and goals scored by Lionel Messi. (International soccer star in case anyone is actually reading this, and doesn't know who he is.) This is broken up with interviews with people from Messi's life. Every person from Messi's Mom to his UPS man says some version of what a great player he is and what a nice guy he is. There are some interesting biographical bits particularly about his move from Argentina to Spain but I don't recommend unless you're a total soccer nerd. Also this book is from 2010 and he's accomplished a ton more since then.

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