Sunday, March 23, 2014

9. Ancillary Justice

By Ann Leckie (384 pp)

I keep starting more books and then setting them aside to start more books. I intend to finish them all but my reading-in-progress pile is out of control. I (half-heartedly) swear that I won't start any new books until I finish some books I've already started. But this book is really good.

It's sci-fi which I realize is a hard sell for a lot of people - but's also a thriller, only in space. I will admit I had a little bit of a tough time at first because the world building is so rich and you get dropped in there and a bunch of stuff is introduced. I'm not generally a patient reader and I had to go back and re-read parts but totally worth it. It's one of those, the more I got into it, the more I got into it books. I would recommend even to people who think they don't like science fiction if you like stories with political conflict and interesting culture and customs.

I don't know how to sum up in a sentence. It's about a soldier who is on a mission and nothing is quite what it seems. Recommend.

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