Tuesday, July 2, 2024

15. Exit Black

By Joe Pitkin (257 pp)

Joe is a longtime friend and colleague of my husband and we are very excited about this book. We went to a fun reading at Broadway Books in Portland which is a terrific neighborhood bookstore with a great staff. It's a smaller store but so well curated that every aisle has intriguing books that you want. Exit Black is a fun "Die Hard in space" story set on a luxury hotel orbiting earth. In the story, the hotel hasn't quite opened but they are doing a pre-event for some billionaires and an influencer. Bad guys take control of the hotel and super badass scientist Chloe has to save the day. My favorite part was watching the bad guy, Dion, trying to keep his cool with each new setback. A great character. Very fun book! Recommend.

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