Sunday, August 14, 2016

13. Cibola Burn

By James S.A. Corey (581 pp)

This is Expanse Book #4.

I finally finished this book. I was working on a writing project and could not make time for reading. I finished Phase 1 of my project right before vacation and read 4 books while we were traveling. None knocked my socks off so I don't think I will add here.

Cibola Burn is about a group of refugees who settle a new planet, an evil corporation who has legal (?) stake in the planet, and there is some funky stuff going on with the planet itself. I loved this one once I got into it, although I'm not completely clear what happened at the end of the action. Reading around online, that seems like a common reaction.

I need to go buy book #5 and Book #6 comes out at the end of the year and then I'm waiting like everyone else.

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